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HomeCharles Santos

  Charles Santos, Executive Director of TITAS since 2001. Charles has had a distinguished career, first as a dancer for over ten years with the Sharir Dance Company in Austin (for a portion of that time he was also tour manager), then in arts administration and production in Austin and New York City.  In 2001 he moved to Dallas to take over as Executive Director of TITAS. In that position he has not only maintained but expanded the organization’s role as the premier presenter of dance and music attractions in this city. Recently TITAS, under Charles’s direction, has been named as the presenter of touring presentations for the Center for the Performing Arts, now under construction in Dallas. He has been on numerous boards, here and elsewhere, received many awards, and serves as a panelist for the Texas Commission on the Arts. Charles has been intensely involved in the arts for over 25 years as both a dancer and in arts management. His career has been distinguished by its diversity and success.