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Other Opportunities
Child Care Group offers reduced childcare for qualified arts, entertainment and recreation employees.
12 months of reduced or free childcare if you qualify and meet the financial criteria.

Access to Texas Rising Star certified quality early learning programs.

Qualifications and more information available here:

Career Transition For Dancers.
Career Transition For Dancers is a nonprofit organization that enables dancers to define their career possibilities and develop the skills necessary to excel in a variety of disciplines. From pre-professional to mid-career and mature dancers, our programs help dancers in every stage of their career. DCNT programs can be grouped into three categories: Career counseling, financial assistance, and informational resources. All programs are provided free of charge. Click here to find out more.

Help Dance Council support dance throughout North Texas by ordering from Discount Dance Supply: or 1-800-328-7107 and use the key code TP28208. Dance Council will earn points towards cash.

Help Dance Council support dance throughout North Texas by shopping at Kroger Stores! Use the key code AD301. Dance Council will earn points towards cash.

Community Group Listing
The Dallas Morning News community area at invites community groups to create a listing. Register your name. You'll get a password you can use to create your listing and make future changes. Create your listing (Request a Listing ), including the categories in which you want to be listed. We'll review your submission. Approvals are done in 3-5 business days, and most of time much sooner. Please let us know how you like the format and how we can make it work better for you. Send your comments to

Introducing "AT YOUR SERVICE" janitorial and floor maintenance specializing in cleaning dance schools and marley floors! "Look clean-Feel clean-Smell clean". Call for complimentary estimates. Stanley Dayton 214 575-9385. Bonded and Insured.

Texans for the Arts, a statewide advocacy organization, has a web site at Through the website, you can receive newsletters, election updates and definition of who your elected officials are since redistricting. You can receive legislative progress reports, action alerts and key information regarding advocacy at the state level.