May 17 - 19. Texas Ballet Theater presents Beauty and the Beast. Bass Performance Hall-Fort Worth |
May 24. Texas Ballet Theater School Richardson Main Spring Performance. 8PM | Tickets 972.744.4650 | Charles W. Eisemann Center for Performing Arts- The Hill Performance Hall, 2351 Performance Dr, Richardson, TX 75082.
May 25. Texas Ballet Theater School Richardson Junior Spring Performances - What A Wonderful World. 4PM-Lower School | 6:30PM-Lower School | Tickets 972.744.4650 | Charles W. Eisemann Center for Performing Arts- The Bank of America Theatre, 2351 Performance Dr, Richardson, TX
May 25. Texas Ballet Theater Fort Worth's Impressionism in Motion Spring Peformances.
11:30a Creative Ballet, Pre Primary and Primary Classes-Nursery Rymes
2:00p Level 1-3, Performance Group, Musical Theater-Fairytales featuring Into the Woods
6:30p Level 4 & up-Fairytales featuring Into the Woods
Tickets-877.828.9200-Option 1 | I.M. Terrell Academy for STEM and VPA, 1411 I M Terrell Cir S, Fort Worth, TX