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HomeRachel Cox

Rachel Cox [13] Sally Williams Memorial Scholarship

Whether a career in dance is in my future or not, I will have benefited from
all I have gained from my dance studies - dedication, attention to detail,
taking care of my body, working well in groups and the ability to express
myself through dance. Self-reliance and a greater understanding of the
world we live in by traveling to dance opportunities are great benefits from
these learning experiences, too.


Rachel, 14, is a student at Ballet Lubbock and attended the Kirov Academy’s summer program in Washington D.C. There she learned more of the specific Russian Technique and artistry. Her dream company is American Ballet Theatre due to the residency of her favorite dancer: Gillian Murphy. Rachel relays, “Being on the stage is the best feeling in the world.” In her spare time she also rides horses.

I had a fabulous time at the Kirov Academy of Ballet thanks to your generosity. Over the six weeks, I had ballet, contemporary ballet, flamenco, and character. Since I usually have a mostly ballet schedule, these extra classes really helped me. My ballet classes were all about making every movement a little closer to perfection. I feel like my technique got so much stronger and my artistry did as well.

I made so many new friends and made lots of memories. One of the best was our ending performance. We learned dances in all our classes for it, but my favorite was our contemporary piece. The rush I got while dancing it reminded me why I dance.

Upon returning home from the Kirov intensive, I saw how much stronger and sharper I became thanks to the wonderful (Russian I) teachers. I am re-energized and ready for the dance year ahead. Ballet Lubbock is performing Carnival of the Animals this September. The piece I dance has a lot of arm movements like those we focused on at Kirov. Great preparation.

Thank you so much for helping make this summer possible!

God Bless, Rachel Cox