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HomeRebecca McManis

Rebecca McManis   Darryl Sneed Scholarship

Rebecca’s ideal day would be to simply dance— to “express [her]self in the perfect way.”
In her performance, Rebecca strives to show the audience her love for God. This past year
Darrell Cleveland, a former Dallas Black Dance Theatre member, inspired her to pursue a
more contemporary path, which she was able to explore at the American Dance Festival.

At Dallas Black Dance Theater’s summer workshop I was able to emerge from my shell,
learn to perform larger and fuller. One of the best skills I learned was studying and
experiencing African dance. I had never moved that way before. I grew out of my comfort
zone, feeling muscle I didn’t even know I had! It was truly exciting to experience the African
movement. I’m so grateful for the chance to broaden my horizon and grow into a stronger,
more creative artist through the supportive and encouraging environment of DBDT.