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HomeMeghan Martinez

Megan Martinez  Texie Waterman Memorial Scholarship

Although Megan has a self-proclaimed shy personality, the audience could never tell
due to her ease of conveying her emotions on stage. Megan is not only expressive on
stage but also from behind the lens of a camera as a photographer.

Before attending college, hopefully University of Arizona, and starting her professional
dance career, Megan plans to travel the world, meeting diverse dancers while dancing
with a cruise line.

My experience at Tremaine Intensive was beyond blissful. My time spent in Los Anglos
opened my eyes to confidence within myself that I didn’t know I had. Taking Doug Caldwell's
class taught me to really open myself up and dance from my heart even more than I have
done in the past and leave everything I had on the dance floor. I’m grateful that I had the
opportunity to expand my dance training and learning from Wade Robson, Brian Friedman,
Benji Schwimmer, Marguerite Derricks, Mark Meismer, Fayard Nicholas, Dee Dee Wood,
and the Tremaine faculty. I also benefited from listening to the agent session as well as
dance history class that I participated in. I met some amazing dancers from all over the
world and grew as a better dancer by watching and sharing our love for dance together.
The atmosphere at the Tremaine Intensive was professional and welcoming. While I was
there, I tried out for the Tremaine Performance Company and have been notified that I was
accepted. I have you to thank for giving me the opportunity to experience and learn through
Tremaine’s Intensive and for the near future by being on their Performance Company.